What’s faster than a speeding bullet? Vicinity’s Speedy Service

So, we’re pretty quick. If it came down to it, it would probably be a pretty close race between us and The Flash. Could we outrun the millennium falcon? Probably.

All of this pandering about speed might have you wondering what speed has to do with Vicinity. Well it has a lot to do with it: we’re so fast that there’s literally no interruption to your own speed of service when you use Vicinity.

This means you don’t hold your customers up and you can get more done. The Vicinity software runs on most POS systems, so you don’t have to complicate things with multiple terminals or switch up your existing POS hardware. You can ring up a customer and award points with just a card tap and a few key strokes or mouse clicks

The following things take more time than a Vicinity transaction:

  • Pouring a glass of wine
  • Tying a rival’s shoelaces together
  • Sending out a really clever tweet
  • Running to catch a bus
  • Thinking about ordering the linguine but going for the salad instead
  • Washing your hands
  • Instagramming your brunch

We could go on and on but the bottom line is this – Vicinity saves you time, saves your customer’s time, and doesn’t take away from you keeping them happy. Oh, there’s also that whole effortless rewards thing too. That’s a biggie.

There haven’t been any scientific studies to prove we’re faster than a speeding bullet, but take it from Vicinity merchant Beachside Grill:

“It’s very seamless, very quick and efficient and we like that about it. It’s never an inconvenience to our guests”

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