How to stick to your New Year’s fitness resolutions

Maybe you made a “healthier lifestyle” resolution for the New Year. And maybe you’ve already cheated on yourself.

Welcome to mid-January. It’s the time of year when most people who’ve made a “healthier lifestyle” resolution for the New Year have already cheated. Whether we’ve vowed to eat fewer pizzas and more leafy greens, or give up beer in favour of six-pack abs, the odds are that by now we have crossed the line between possibility and failure in that promise to ourselves.

Because that’s what a resolution is — a promise to our Self. And if we start from the basis that humans are healthier when we treat our Selves with loving kindness — even when we make mistakes — then it’s actually easy to stay on track with our fitness resolutions.

But for those times when we do veer off course, it’s good to have support in keeping our fitness goals within sight. We asked the experts at NutritionAsylum, voted “Best Health Food Store” and “Best Supplement Store” in Hamilton, ON by readers of the city’s daily newspaper, The Hamilton Spectator, for their advice:

Failure is a state of mind. When setting healthy new habits it’s important to stay positive. Never feel guilty for straying from the path – sometimes a detour is part of the process in reaching your fitness goal. Remember that you are not defined by your falls. It’s how you get back up after a fall that shows your true character. Just enjoy the beautiful journey.

Grocery shop with a meal plan. There are countless recipes online for healthy meals that are simple to cook. Search for a week’s worth of yummy meals and make a grocery list that includes all the items you need to prepare the recipes. Precook and prepackage your meals for the week in one or two “kitchen sessions” so convenience is never an issue.

Have a snack strategy. Keep healthy snacks on hand for those times you’re craving junk food. Raw nuts (almond, cashew, macadamia) and seeds (pumpkin, sunflower), as well as dried and fresh fruits are good choices. If you love homemade goodies, go online to find low-sugar treat recipes like coconut balls – a perennial favourite! Smoothies made with natural yogurt, protein powder, and fresh or frozen fruit are great for giving you a daily power boost.

Use technology to motivate yourself.  Whether you track activities with wearable tech like a Fitbit or you monitor progress with one of the numerous fitness apps available for iPhone or Android, technology is your friend when it comes to motivation. The most useful apps connect you with a supportive community. MyFitnessPalRunKeeper, and Noom are great ways to commune with your health and fitness tribe, while setting goals and tracking progress.


  1. Shadare biglow   •  

    Have decided to eat more fruits and veggies as well less fatty foods

  2. I have given up refined white sugar, and so far I have not eaten any donuts, cake, the last one quarter tsp sugar in my tea etc. If I crave them sometimes I say to myself well you know that I do not eat sugar anymore and leave it at that.   •  

    This is the same stragety I used to finally give up smoking in 2001.

  3. Jane   •  

    I find my Fitbit a great motivator & reading articles like this one are alo helpful.

    • Vicinity   •     Author

      Awesome! Glad you like our article. Yes, Fitbits sure help motivate. We hold Fitbit challenges at our office all of the time. It makes moving fun and rewarding!

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